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Walhalla Quilts.

Get the warmth and comfort you need for those colder nights with a custom top quilt and under quilt.
Under quilts are 70" long x 46"wide and can be longer but will add to the over all cost.
Made with 1.1 ripstop in and out.
Top quilts come with sewn foot box, warmer pocket, snaps and drawstring to clinch around neck. Can be made from 4' to 7' long. 1.1 ripstop outer and 1.0 hyperD inside.
All quilts are insulated with synthetic Clamashield insulation.
If ordering a set, there is a $10 per quilt discount. (Temperature ratings are survival, for comfort add 5 deg.
~Top Quilts~
50 deg. $169
40 deg. $170
30 deg. $182
20 deg. $205
10 deg. $215
0 deg. $251
~Under Quilts~
50 deg. $115
40 deg. $125
30 deg. $135
20 deg. $140
10 deg. $155
0 deg. $175

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